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Presenter Request Form
Please fill in the following information.
Presenter's Name
Please list any additional presenters assisting with this presentation and list their organization.
Job Title
Presenting on behalf of (Insert name of organization/company)
Mobile Phone (For contact at InfoShare. We will not publish.)
Contact Preference
Mobile Phone
Presenter's Professional Biography (Please provide your short form biography, less than 300 words. All biographies will be edited.)
Presentation Session(s) (Please select or list the name of the session or sessions in which you would like to present.)
Plenary* (see note below)
Flight Ops
Ground Ops
Rotorcraft Ops
Business/GA Ops
Cargo Ops
Manufacturer SMS
Roundtable (A small, specific safety topic group discussion with limited attendance of 50 people)
If you chose Roundtable, please enter your desired safety topic here.
Presentation Title (Please ensure the title clearly states the subject of your presentation.)
Presentation Time (The standard presentation time is 15 minutes. If you need additional time, please let us know how much using only 15-minute increments.)
Please list any conflicts in your schedule that would prevent you from presenting at any time during the three days of InfoShare.
Presentation Summary (Please provide a brief summary of your presentation.)
Presentation Approval (Has your company/organization approved your presentation?)
Still needs approval
Approved by
Presentation Distribution (Please indicate whether you grant InfoShare approval to share your presentation on the InfoShare website after the conclusion of the meeting. Your presentation would only be accessible to InfoShare attendees.)
*All Plenary presentation PowerPoints will be due to the planners prior to approval. Due date TBD.
Please Specify Your AV Needs (InfoShare Sessions: All meeting rooms will be equipped with standard equipment: laptop computer, podium microphone, table microphones(s) for panelists, projector, projection screen, and Wi-Fi. Please specify any additional needs. Please note, all presenters will be asked to email their final presentations to the InfoShare planners. Use of personal laptops is unfeasible given the time constraints between presentations.
Accessibility (We are committed to providing equal access to InfoShare for all participants. If you need alternative formats or other reasonable accommodations, please email our team at with your requests. Please review the presentation guidelines on the InfoShare website for font size and color contrast instructions to ensure all audience members can easily read your presentation.)
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